## version $VER: STFax.catalog 7.0 (9.6.97) ## codeset 0 ## language X MSG_ASCII2FAX ; Converting ASCII to fax... ANS_SAVE_CONTINUE_CANCEL ; _Save|C_ontinue|_Cancel MSG_NOT_SAVED ; This fax has not been saved yet. LOG_RUNNING ; STFax is now running. LOG_RINGING ; Call detected (%ld/%ld). ERR_CANT_READ_FAX ; Couldn't read the fax file! LOG_EXITING ; STFax is exiting. ANS_MORE_CONTINUE ; _More|_Continue MSG_ABOUT ; STFax %ld.%ld - 1996-97 Simone Tellini\n\nProgram's GUI built using:\nInterface Editor 2.31\n\n*** This program is Shareware. ***\nSee docs for details\n\nFees, comments, donations, etc... to:\n\nSimone Tellini\nPiazza Resistenza 2\n42016 Guastalla RE\nITALY\n\nFidoNET: 2:332/502.18 (Simone Tellini)\nInterNet: wiz@pragmanet.it MSG_USERINFO ; This copy of STFax is registered to:\n\n%s\nSerial number: %ld MSG_GETFAX ; Select a fax file... LOG_LOADFAX ; Loading fax file %s. LOG_SAVE_FAX ; Saving fax file %s. MSG_SAVE_FAX ; Save fax... MSG_GET_IMAGE ; Select an image file... MSG_GET_TEXT ; Select a text file... ERR_NO_REQ ; Cannot open the ASL file requester! LOG_REMOTE_ABORTED ; Operation aborted from the remote machine. LOG_RETRANSMIT ; Retransmit requested. MSG_PAGE ; Page %ld LOG_RESET_MODEM ; Resetting the modem... MSG_IMAGE2FAX ; Converting image to fax... ERR_NO_BODY ; BODY chunk not found! ERR_NO_BMHD ; BMHD chunk not found! ERR_NO_FILE ; Couldn't open the file! HDR_FAX_SENT ; Faxes Sent HDR_FAX_RECEIVED ; Faxes Received HDR_FAX_SCHEDULED ; Scheduled Faxes HDR_FAX_FAILED ; Failed Faxes GET_PHONEBOOK ; Select a phonebook... MSG_PHONEBOOK_NOT_SAVED ; This phonebook has not been saved yet. MSG_SAVE_PHONEBOOK ; Save phonebook... MSG_GET_LETTERHEAD ; Select the letterhead... MSG_GET_SIGNATURE ; Select the signature... ERR_NO_PHONEBOOK ; Couldn't open the phonebook! ERR_CANT_SAVE_PHONEBOOK ; Couldn't save the phonebook! MSG_WRONG_DATE ; Wrong date! ANS_RETRY_CANCEL ; _Retry|_Cancel MSG_GET_FAX_TO_SEND ; Select the fax to send... ERR_CANT_SAVE_SCHED ; Couldn't save the scheduler data! MSG_DELETE_FAX ; This fax is still present on your disk.\nDo you want to delete it? ANS_DELETE_CANCEL ; _Delete|_Cancel REPORT_NOT_SAVED ; Not saved yet. ERR_NO_DEVICE ; Could not open unit %ld\nof %s !!! ERR_DSR_NOT_FOUND ; DSR not detected!\nWhere's the modem? ANS_SORRY ; Sorry MSG_MODEM_NOT_SUPPORTED ; Your modem doesn't seem to be a\nfaxmodem I can handle... ERR_MODEM_NOT_RESPOND ; Modem not responding! MSG_GET_DEF_FONT ; Default text font... MSG_GET_FILE ; Select a file... MSG_GET_DEVICE ; Select a device... MSG_MIN_BAUD ; The baud rate should be at least 2400! MSG_GET_DIR ; Select a directory... MSG_GET_PROGRAM ; Select a program... ERR_NO_PREFS_FILE ; Couldn't open the prefs file! MSG_MAKING_HEADER ; Creating headers and footers... MSG_MAKING_COVER ; Making the cover... MSG_SERIAL_NOT_READY ; Serial not ready. MSG_RECEIVING_FAX ; Receiving a fax... MSG_ANSWERING ; Answering... MSG_RECV_FAX_DATA ; Receiving fax data (%s) LOG_RECV_FAILED ; Receive failed! LOG_RECV_OK ; Fax received successfully. MSG_RECV_PAGE ; Receiving page %ld... LOG_CANT_OPEN_FILE ; Cannot open the file %s! MSG_HANG_UP ; Hanging up LOG_DATA_ANSWER ; Answering to a data call... LOG_NO_DATA_CALL ; Data call refused. LOG_VOICE_CALL ; Answering to a voice call... LOG_NO_VOICE_CALL ; Voice call refused. MSG_TRANS_ABORTED ; Transmission aborted! LOG_ABORTED ; Operation aborted. MSG_SEND_PAGE ; Sending page %ld... LOG_SENT_OK ; Fax sent successfully. MSG_USER_ABORTED ; User aborted call. ERR_PHASE_N ; Phase %lc error! MSG_DIALING ; Dialing %s... LOG_SENDING ; Sending the fax LOG_BUSY ; The phone is busy. MSG_BUSY ; Line busy. Waiting... MSG_STILL_BUSY ; Still busy. Retry later... LOG_STILL_BUSY ; Still busy. Stop trying. MSG_NO_CARRIER ; No carrier! MSG_NO_ANSWER ; No answer. MSG_UNKNOWN_ERROR ; Unknown error detected! MSG_NO_DIALTONE ; No dialtone. Check the line\nor your modem setup. LOG_NO_DIALTONE ; No dialtone! ERR_NO_DRAWINFO ; Cannot get the screen draw info! ERR_NO_VISUALINFO ; Cannot get the screen visual info! ERR_NO_SCREEN ; Cannot open the screen! ERR_NO_BITMAP ; Cannot create the bitmap! Probably there's no memory. MSG_SAVE_ILBM ; Save fax as IFF-ILBM... MSG_PRINTING ; Print in progress... ANS_ABORT ; _Abort ERR_NO_PRINTER ; Couldn't open the printer.device! ERR_NO_MEMORY ; Out of memory! MSG_SAVING_IFF ; Writing IFF-ILBM file... MSG_DECODING ; Decoding fax... HDR_FAX_ALL ; All HDR_FAX_UNSEEN ; Unseen Faxes MSG_VIEWER_TITLE ; Viewing page %ld of %ld REQ_GO_TO_PAGE ; Go to page... ERR_NO_POLL ; Unable to request polling operation!\nYour modem may not support polling. ERR_NO_DOC_TO_POLL ; The remote machine doesn't have\nany document I can poll. LOG_NO_POLL ; No document available. MSG_STRING_0 ; _Edit Fax MSG_STRING_1 ; _View Fax MSG_STRING_2 ; _Scheduler MSG_STRING_3 ; Vie_w Reports MSG_STRING_4 ; _Transmit MSG_STRING_5 ; _Receive MSG_STRING_6 ; _Printer Driver MSG_STRING_7 ; --- MSG_STRING_8 ; Project MSG_STRING_9 ; About... MSG_STRING_10 MSG_STRING_11 ; New MSG_STRING_12 MSG_STRING_13 ; Open... MSG_STRING_14 MSG_STRING_15 ; Append... MSG_STRING_16 ; Save MSG_STRING_17 MSG_STRING_18 ; Save As... MSG_STRING_19 MSG_STRING_20 ; Print... MSG_STRING_21 MSG_STRING_22 ; Iconify MSG_STRING_23 MSG_STRING_24 ; Quit MSG_STRING_25 MSG_STRING_26 ; Fax MSG_STRING_27 ; Edit... MSG_STRING_28 MSG_STRING_29 ; Transmit... MSG_STRING_30 MSG_STRING_31 ; Receive... MSG_STRING_32 MSG_STRING_33 ; Poll... MSG_STRING_34 ; View Reports... MSG_STRING_35 MSG_STRING_36 ; Scheduler... MSG_STRING_37 ; Preferences MSG_STRING_38 ; Fax... MSG_STRING_39 ; Modem... MSG_STRING_40 MSG_STRING_41 ; Strings... MSG_STRING_42 ; Misc... MSG_STRING_43 ; Paths... MSG_STRING_44 ; External programs... MSG_STRING_45 ; Viewer screen MSG_STRING_46 ; Use main screen MSG_STRING_47 ; Change... MSG_STRING_48 ; Timeouts... MSG_STRING_49 ; Phonebook... MSG_STRING_50 MSG_STRING_51 ; Modem Settings MSG_STRING_52 ; _Device: MSG_STRING_53 ; _Unit: MSG_STRING_54 ; _Rings: MSG_STRING_55 ; Re_try: MSG_STRING_56 ; Redial Dela_y: MSG_STRING_57 ; _Shared: MSG_STRING_58 ; _Init: MSG_STRING_59 ; Dial _Mode: MSG_STRING_60 ; Tone MSG_STRING_61 ; Pulse MSG_STRING_62 ; _Ok MSG_STRING_63 ; _Cancel MSG_STRING_64 ; _Baud: MSG_STRING_65 ; Dial _Prefix: MSG_STRING_66 ; Fax Preferences MSG_STRING_67 ; Co_mpany: MSG_STRING_68 ; _Fax #: MSG_STRING_69 ; _Phone #: MSG_STRING_70 ; Letter_Head: MSG_STRING_71 ; _Signature: MSG_STRING_72 ; _Left: MSG_STRING_73 ; _Right: MSG_STRING_74 ; P_aginate: MSG_STRING_75 ; L_ines/Page MSG_STRING_76 ; Text Font MSG_STRING_77 ; Fi_ne Resolution MSG_STRING_78 ; Margins MSG_STRING_79 ; Viewing a fax... MSG_STRING_80 ; Save IFF... MSG_STRING_81 ; Close MSG_STRING_82 ; View MSG_STRING_83 ; Invert MSG_STRING_84 ; Rotate +90 MSG_STRING_85 ; Rotate -90 MSG_STRING_86 ; Flip Vertically MSG_STRING_87 ; Flip Horizontally MSG_STRING_88 MSG_STRING_89 ; Next page MSG_STRING_90 MSG_STRING_91 ; Previous page MSG_STRING_92 MSG_STRING_93 MSG_STRING_94 ; Scale MSG_STRING_95 ; 1:1 MSG_STRING_96 MSG_STRING_97 ; 1:2 MSG_STRING_98 MSG_STRING_99 ; 1:4 MSG_STRING_100 MSG_STRING_101 ; Edit fax MSG_STRING_102 ; _Pages MSG_STRING_103 ; _View MSG_STRING_104 ; From _image... MSG_STRING_105 ; From _text... MSG_STRING_106 ; _Delete MSG_STRING_107 ; Move _Up MSG_STRING_108 ; Move Do_wn MSG_STRING_109 ; _Edit MSG_STRING_110 ; Selected Page MSG_STRING_111 ; New Page MSG_STRING_112 ; Send fax... MSG_STRING_113 ; Send _to: MSG_STRING_114 ; Make C_over: MSG_STRING_115 ; Send _Now MSG_STRING_116 ; _Schedule MSG_STRING_117 ; Fax _Details... MSG_STRING_118 ; Sending fax... MSG_STRING_119 ; Status MSG_STRING_120 ; Remote ID MSG_STRING_121 ; Transmission Speed MSG_STRING_122 ; Action in progress... MSG_STRING_123 ; Miscellaneous Prefs MSG_STRING_124 ; Auto _Answer MSG_STRING_125 ; Quiet Mo_dem MSG_STRING_126 ; Make Ico_ns MSG_STRING_127 ; _Mode MSG_STRING_128 ; ONLY FAX MSG_STRING_129 ; FAX/DATA MSG_STRING_130 ; Close = Iconif_y MSG_STRING_131 ; _Log MSG_STRING_132 MSG_STRING_133 ; Short MSG_STRING_134 ; Medium MSG_STRING_135 ; Verbose MSG_STRING_136 ; Debug MSG_STRING_137 ; Auto _Print MSG_STRING_138 ; _Silent Answer MSG_STRING_139 ; Phone Book MSG_STRING_140 ; Phonebook Entries MSG_STRING_141 ; _New MSG_STRING_142 ; Select _All MSG_STRING_143 ; Deselec_t All MSG_STRING_144 ; S_ort MSG_STRING_145 ; _Load MSG_STRING_146 ; _Save MSG_STRING_147 ; Edit phone book entry... MSG_STRING_148 ; _Name: MSG_STRING_149 ; N_umber: MSG_STRING_150 ; No_te: MSG_STRING_151 ; _Make Cover: MSG_STRING_152 ; _ATTN: MSG_STRING_153 ; Get Phone Number... MSG_STRING_154 ; Scheduler MSG_STRING_155 ; Scheduled _Faxes MSG_STRING_156 ; _Add MSG_STRING_157 ; _Remove MSG_STRING_158 ; _Change time MSG_STRING_159 ; Schedule fax MSG_STRING_160 ; _Fax MSG_STRING_161 ; _Date MSG_STRING_162 ; _Time MSG_STRING_163 ; _Number MSG_STRING_164 ; Fa_x Details... MSG_STRING_165 ; Reports MSG_STRING_166 ; Sent MSG_STRING_167 ; Received MSG_STRING_168 ; Scheduled MSG_STRING_169 ; Failed MSG_STRING_170 ; Unseen MSG_STRING_171 ; _Free List MSG_STRING_172 ; _Print MSG_STRING_173 ; Re_send MSG_STRING_174 ; External Programs MSG_STRING_175 ; _Data Call MSG_STRING_176 ; _Voice Call MSG_STRING_177 ; _Editor MSG_STRING_178 ; Modem Strings MSG_STRING_179 ; CO_NNECT MSG_STRING_180 ; O_K MSG_STRING_181 ; _RING MSG_STRING_182 ; NO C_ARRIER MSG_STRING_183 ; _ERROR MSG_STRING_184 ; NO _DIALTONE MSG_STRING_185 ; BUS_Y MSG_STRING_186 ; NO ANS_WER MSG_STRING_187 ; Timeouts MSG_STRING_188 ; Co_mmand MSG_STRING_189 ; Co_nnect MSG_STRING_190 ; _Answer MSG_STRING_191 ; _Page Data MSG_STRING_192 ; _End Page MSG_STRING_193 ; Mo_dem MSG_STRING_194 ; Fax Details MSG_STRING_195 ; _To: MSG_STRING_196 ; _Attn: MSG_STRING_197 ; Get init string... MSG_STRING_198 ; Poll fax... MSG_STRING_199 ; Poll _from: MSG_STRING_200 ; Paths MSG_STRING_201 ; Fax _In MSG_STRING_202 ; Fax O_ut MSG_STRING_203 ; I_mages MSG_STRING_204 ; _Texts MSG_STRING_205 ; Polling fax...